I formed a lifelong passion for horses at the age of five when I first convinced my parents to let me take riding lessons. I often combine my two passions, writing and horses, which is why a lot of my writing projects have a horse angle to them.
I’ve been writing off and on since my teens. In the early years, I often quit out of frustration or took a break. But the characters would always return demanding their stories be told.
I actively study the craft of writing through self-study and courses. Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts: Creative Writing from Charter Oak State College, and taking courses from the Institute of Children’s Literature, Long Ridge Writers Group, and the University of California, Los Angeles’ Extension Screenwriter’s Certification Program.
I am currently writing under two different pen names. Angelia Almos for my horsey nonfiction, young adult fantasy, and space opera, and Angie Derek for my steamy romantic suspense and paranormal romances. I'm currently experimenting with trying to combine my website and social media accounts into one, but it is possible I will split them up again.
I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with my hubby, two daughters, two cats, two horses (Prince is pictured to the left), and one dog.